Musings On The Future of the Local Library

I have a lot of good memories of going to the library after school when I was younger, living on the East Coast and I now own a large private library (both physical and ebooks). But in later years, after getting tired (may I say “irked”, that’s a fun word to say) of late fees … Continue reading Musings On The Future of the Local Library

Unconditional Caring OR Command & Control (and sometimes, Cursing)? Classroom Leadership vs. Management

Which experience do you remember as standing our from your educational experience growing up? A teacher who … A) Enforces the rules.  Yells.  Singles you out.  Uses tokens (grades, stars, praise) to achieve compliance. B) Demonstrates unconditional love & acceptance.  Instills curiosity.  Offers challenge.  Sets high expectations. If you are a member of the neuro-diverse … Continue reading Unconditional Caring OR Command & Control (and sometimes, Cursing)? Classroom Leadership vs. Management

Two Loops to Unite Them ALL! Different Thinking to Unite Diverse Learning

How do we move beyond the mundane, tradition and convention?  How do we step outside of this learning model in what psychologists call single loop thinking? Do you remember the movie classic, “Groundhog Day” – a charming, funny snapshot of this type of “closed system” life?  Bill Murray plays the indomitable, arrogant TV weatherman Phil Connors.  … Continue reading Two Loops to Unite Them ALL! Different Thinking to Unite Diverse Learning